Behavior-Driven Development in

Dr. Jan Schäfer

Big Techday 8
June 12, 2015

Why BDD?

Test-Driven Development

public void shouldInsertPetIntoDatabaseAndGenerateId() {
    Owner owner6 = this.clinicService.findOwnerById(6);
    int found = owner6.getPets().size();

    Pet pet = new Pet();
    Collection<PetType> types = this.clinicService.findPetTypes();
    pet.setType(EntityUtils.getById(types, PetType.class, 2));
    pet.setBirthDate(new DateTime());
    assertThat(owner6.getPets().size()).isEqualTo(found + 1);


    owner6 = this.clinicService.findOwnerById(6);
    assertThat(owner6.getPets().size()).isEqualTo(found + 1);
    // checks that id has been generated
Example is from

Typical Tests

  • Often hard to understand
  • Often contain too many technical details
  • Point of the test often hard to grasp
  • Often contain code duplication
  • Can only be read by developers

Behavior Driven Development

  • Behavior is specified in a semi-formal format using the domain language of the product
  • Behavioral specifications are exectuable like tests
  • Developers and business analysts collaborate when defining the behavior


Are we building the product right?


Are we building the right product?

BDD in Java

Feature Files (Gherkin)


Feature: Ordering

  Scenario: Customers can order books

    Given a customer
      And a book
      And 3 items of the book are on stock
     When the customer orders the book
     Then a corresponding order for the customer exists

Step Implementation (Java)

public class CustomerStepdefs {
    @Given("a customer")
    public void aCustomer() { ... }

    @Given("a book")
    public void aBook() { ... }

    @Given("(\\d+) items of the book are on stock")
    public void nItemsOfTheBookAreOnStock(int nItems) { ... }

    @When("the customer orders the book")
    public void theCustomerOrdersTheBook() { ... }

    @Then("a corresponding order for the customer exists")
    public void aCorrespondingOrderForTheCustomerExists() { ... }


High maintainance cost

  • Feature files and Code must be kept in sync
  • No Programming Language Power in feature files
  • Limited IDE support (e.g. no refactoring support)

Observations in Practice

  • Low developer acceptance due to higher overhead
  • Non-developers rarely write feature files
  • Maintaince of feature files has to be done by developers anyway

Other BDD frameworks?

  • JBehave: Plain Text + Java (like Cucumber)
  • Concordion: HTML + Java
  • Fitness: Wiki + Java
  • Spock: Groovy
  • ScalaTest: Scala
  • Jnario: Xtend

Stackoverflow to the rescue!


Scenarios in JGiven

import org.junit.Test;
import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit.SimpleScenarioTest;

public class OrderTest extends SimpleScenarioTest<StepDefs> {

    public void customers_can_order_books() {




Some Facts

  • Scenarios are written in a domain-specific, fluent API
  • Works with JUnit and TestNG
  • Minimizes annotation overhead by deriving most information directly from the source code

Ok, but what about non-developers?


  • Plain Text
  • Static HTML
  • HTML5 App
  • AsciiDoc (Alpha)

Plain Text

Test Class: com.tngtech.jgiven.example.bookstore.OrderTest

 Scenario: customers can order books

   Given a customer
     And a book on stock
    When the customer orders the book
    Then a corresponding order exists for the customer


Classical BDD vs. JGiven


Classical BDD

Readable Text <-> Code



Readable Code -> Readable Report

Experience from Practice

  • Experience from over 1 year and in a large Java project
  • Over 1300 scenarios have been written so far
  • JGiven greatly improves readability and code reuse
  • Reduces maintance costs of automated tests (no hard numbers though)
  • Widely accepted by developers
  • Easy to learn by new developers
  • Reports are read by product owner and business analysts

Getting Started

Add JGiven Dependency

  • com.tngtech.jgiven:jgiven-junit:0.7.2
  • Licence: Apache License v2.0

Extend ScenarioTest*

import com.tngtech.jgiven.(junit|testng).ScenarioTest;

public class SomeScenarioTest extends ScenarioTest<...> {

*Or SimpleScenarioTest

Add Stage Types

import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit.ScenarioTest;

public class SomeScenarioTest
    extends ScenarioTest<MyGivenStage, MyWhenStage, MyThenStage> {


Add Test Methods

import org.junit.Test;
import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit.ScenarioTest;

public class SomeScenarioTest
    extends ScenarioTest<MyGivenStage, MyWhenStage, MyThenStage> {

    public void my_first_scenario() { ... }


Write step methods

import org.junit.Test;
import com.tngtech.jgiven.junit.ScenarioTest;

public class SomeScenarioTest
    extends ScenarioTest<MyGivenStage, MyWhenStage, MyThenStage> {

    public void my_first_scenario() {

Write Stage Classes

import com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage;

public class MyGivenStage extends Stage<MyGivenStage> {

    int state;

    public MyGivenStage some_initial_state() {
        state = 42;
        return this;

Stage Classes


  • JGiven scenarios are built from stage classes
  • Stage classes provide modularity and reuse
  • Stage classes are a unique feature of JGiven, not present in any other BDD framework
  • Typically a stage class is used for either a Given, When, or Then steps of a scenario

State Transfer

State Transfer

  • Fields can be annotated with @ScenarioState
  • Values are written and read between stages
  • @ProvidedScenarioState, @ExpectedScenarioState as alternative

public class MyGivenStage extends Stage<MyGivenStage> {
   int state;

   public MyGivenStage some_initial_state() {
      state = 42;
      return self();

public class MyWhenStage extends Stage<MyWhenStage> {
   int state;

   int result;

   public MyWhenStage some_action() {
       result = state * state;

Data-Driven Scenarios

Parameterized Step Methods

      given().a_customer_with_name( "John" );


      Given a customer with name John

Within a scentence?

      Given there are 5 coffees left

$ to the rescue!

      given().there_are_$_coffees_left( ncoffees );

Parameterized Scenarios

   "1, 0",
   "3, 2",
   "5, 4"})
public void the_stock_is_reduced_when_a_book_is_ordered( int initial,
                                                         int left ) {
       .with().$_items_on_stock( initial );


   then().there_are_$_items_left_on_stock( left );
Using TNG's DataProviderRunner (
JUnit's Parameterized Runner and Theories are also supported.

Text Report

 Scenario: the stock is reduced when a book is ordered

   Given a customer
     And a book
    With <initial> items on stock
    When the customer orders the book
    Then there are <left> items left on stock


    | # | initial | left | Status  |
    | 1 |       1 |    0 | Success |
    | 2 |       3 |    2 | Success |
    | 3 |       5 |    4 | Success |
HTML Report

Derived Parameters

@DataProvider({"1", "3", "5"})
public void the_stock_is_reduced_when_a_book_is_ordered( int initial ) {

       .with().$_items_on_stock( initial );


   then().there_are_$_items_left_on_stock( initial - 1 );


Derived Parameters

Text Report

 Scenario: the stock is reduced when a book is ordered

   Given a customer
     And a book
    With <initial> items on stock
    When the customer orders the book
    Then there are <numberOfItems> items left on stock


    | # | initial | numberOfItems | Status  |
    | 1 |       1 |             0 | Success |
    | 2 |       3 |             2 | Success |
    | 3 |       5 |             4 | Success |
HTML Report

Different Cases

@DataProvider({ "3, 2, true",
                "0, 0, false" })
public void the_stock_is_only_reduced_when_possible(
         int initial, int left, boolean orderExists) {

        .with().$_items_on_stock( initial );


    if ( orderExists ) {
    } else {

Different Cases

Text Report

Scenario: the stock is only reduced when possible

  Case 1: initial = 3, left = 2, orderExists = true
   Given a customer
     And a book
    With 3 items on stock
    When the customer orders the book
    Then there are 2 items left on stock
     And a corresponding order exists for the customer

  Case 2: initial = 0, left = 0, orderExists = false
   Given a customer
     And a book
    With 0 items on stock
    When the customer orders the book
    Then there are 0 items left on stock
     And no corresponding order exists for the customer
HTML Report

Different Cases


  • Even if possible: Try to avoid structural different scenario cases
  • Better extract a method and create two scenarios or use parameter formatting

Additional Features

Parameter Formatting

  • Default: toString()
  • @Format( MyCustomFormatter.class )
  • @Formatf( " -- %s -- " )
  • @MyCustomFormatAnnotation



@Format( value = BooleanFormatter.class, args = { "on", "off" } )
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@interface OnOff {}

Apply to parameter

public SELF the_machine_is_$( @OnOff boolean onOrOff ) { ... }

Use step

given().the_machine_is_$( false );


Given the machine is off

Tables as Parameter

  • @Table to mark step parameter to be tables
  • Must be the last parameter
  • Must be an Iterable of Iterable, an Iterable of POJOs, or a single POJO

Tables as Parameter

Using Arrays

SELF the_following_books_are_on_stock( @Table String[][] stockTable ) {
  • First row is the table header

Tables as Parameters

Using Arrays

public void ordering_a_book_reduces_the_stock() {

    given().the_following_books_on_stock(new String[][]{
        {"id", "name", "author", "stock"},
        {"1", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Douglas Adams", "5"},
        {"2", "Lord of the Rings", "John Tolkien", "3"},


    then().the_stock_looks_as_follows(new String[][]{
        {"id", "name", "author", "stock"},
        {"1", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Douglas Adams", "4"},
        {"2", "Lord of the Rings", "John Tolkien", "3"},


Tables as Parameters

Text Report

Scenario: ordering a book reduces the stock

   Given the following books on stock

     | id | name                                 | author        | stock |
     |  1 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams |     5 |
     |  2 | Lord of the Rings                    | John Tolkien  |     3 |

    When a customer orders book 1
    Then the stock looks as follows

     | id | name                                 | author        | stock |
     |  1 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams |     4 |
     |  2 | Lord of the Rings                    | John Tolkien  |     3 |
HTML Report

Tables as Parameters

List of POJOs

  • Field names: header
  • Field values: data
SELF the_following_books_are_on_stock( @Table List<BookOnStock> books) {

Tables as Parameters

Single POJO

SELF the_following_book(
      @Table(includeFields = {"name", "author", "priceInEurCents"},
             header = VERTICAL) Book book) {

Text Report

   Given the following book

     | name            | Lord of the Rings |
     | author          | John Tolkien      |
     | priceInEurCents | 0                 |
HTML Report

@BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario

     public class GivenSteps extends Stage<GivenSteps> {
	File temporaryFolder;

	void setupTemporaryFolder() {
		    temporaryFolder = ...

	void deleteTemporaryFolder() {

Scenario Rules

public class TemporaryFolderRule {
    File temporaryFolder;

    public void before() {
        temporaryFolder = ...

    public void after() {

public class GivenSteps extends Stage<GivenSteps> {
    TemporaryFolderRule rule = new TemporaryFolderRule();

@AfterStage, @BeforeStage

public class GivenCustomer extends Stage<GivenSteps> {
    CustomerBuilder builder;

    Customer customer;

    public void a_customer() {
        builder = new CustomerBuilder();

    public void with_age(int age) {

    void buildCustomer() {
        customer =;


@Test @FeatureEmail
void the_customer_gets_an_email_when_ordering_a_book() {

With Values

@Test @Story( "ABC-123" )
void the_customer_gets_an_email_when_ordering_a_book() { ... }


  • Marks whole tests or single step methods as not implemented yet
  • Tests will be ignored and specially marked in the report
HTML Report


  • Marks methods to not appear in the report
  • Useful for technically necessary methods that should not appear in the report

public SELF doSomethingTechnical() { ... }

Extended Descriptions

@ExtendedDescription("The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "
                   + "by default the book is not on stock" )
public SELF a_book() { ... }

HTML Report

HTML Report


public class Html5ReportStage {
    protected CurrentStep currentStep; // provided by JGiven

    protected void takeScreenshot() {
        String base64 = ( (TakesScreenshot) webDriver )
            .getScreenshotAs( OutputType.BASE64 );
            Attachment.fromBase64( base64, MediaType.PNG )
                      .withTitle( "Screenshot" ) );

HTML Report

HTML Report



  • Developer-friendly
  • High reuse due to modularity of scenarios
  • Plain Java, no additional programming language needed
  • Very easy to learn
  • Very easy to integrate into existing test infrastructure
  • Readable reports for non-developers

BDD without the hassle!


  • Non-Developers cannot directly write executable scenarios
    • But acceptance criteria can be easily translated into JGiven scenarios
    • Generated reports can be read by non-developers

Thank You!


Creative Commons License Slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Why snake_case?

  • Better readable
    • thisCannotBeReadVeryEasilyBecauseItIsCamelCase
    • this_can_be_read_much_better_because_it_is_snake_case
  • Words can be written in their correct case
    • given().an_HTML_page()
  • Report generation works better with snake_case